With the advice of Vending Era Global, we will develop a balanced regime that will not eliminate any important food. We will also help you change your habits so that you forget about the rebound effect.
We will perform a personalized nutritional treatment with the following steps:
1. Initial study.
The initial study was supported by a complete health questionnaire. Using a body segmental composition analyzer that determines fat mass, muscle mass, fat-free mass, and total intracellular and extracellular body water.
This body measurement will be performed individually on each extremity of the body (arms, waist, hips, and thighs). Basal metabolism, body mass index, and other necessary variables are also calculated.
2. Personalized regime.
Based on the results obtained in the initial study and body measurements, a regimen will be designed that will form the initial basis of the program.
The importance of making a personalized regime is that each of us has a multitude of factors that make us unique and different from any other person depending on our constitution, age, metabolism, height, lifestyle habits, biotype, etc … We will have very specific needs and shortcomings.
The regimen is developed for a certain period of time and always attends to a main maxim which is the perfect adaptation of the patient without supposing for it a sacrifice but, rather the opposite.
Vending Era Global is based on a nutritional advice system that acts on the patient’s metabolism and not on their body composition, in this way we maintain all daily nutritional needs without making great efforts and above all, without going hungry.
3. Analysis of evolution.
After a period previously established by the nutritional advisor, the patient will have another appointment to analyze the evolution to date.
The success of the final result is based on following clearly defined guidelines but without major restrictions. It’s about enjoying a healthy life, not submitting to it.
At Vending Era Global we will develop your balanced weight management regimen exclusively for you.
Our regimens will be calculated taking into account your nutritional needs, your physical and/or pathological condition, as well as your gastronomic preferences. That is why our regimes will be “personal and non-transferable”, designed to provide everything that your body needs in the appropriate quantities and proportions so that it can perform all the vital functions and be able to achieve the desired weight. All the ingredients that you will find in our regimes will provide your body with the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and fiber that it needs.
If in your diet you find ingredients that you had not previously taken in others or that you believe are not suitable to achieve the desired weight, do not be alarmed or surprised because there are no foods that by themselves and in adequate quantities fatten or lose weight. Our balanced regimes will allow you to eat everything and this is precisely one of its great advantages. Eat everything, but in the right amount.
Regimens and Health:
Obesity is defined as an increase in body fat that is usually manifested by an elevation in weight.
Although obesity has been considered for years as a fundamentally aesthetic problem today, it has been shown that it is the origin of numerous disorders such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, increased cholesterol, circulation disorders, etc.
Start from this moment to consider the regime that we propose as a lifestyle that will help you improve your health and obviously your aesthetics. Think that 99% of obesity is caused by excessive nutritional intake. That is, for eating too much. Only 1%, or perhaps less, are obese due to diseases or drugs.
Therefore, leaving aside this small percentage of pathological obesity, all specialists agree that excess kilos can only disappear with a re-education of eating habits, either quantitatively or qualitatively.
Be persevering and follow your regimen as prescribed for a period not less than that imposed by your nutritional advisor and you will get the desired result in a natural and healthy way.